Inspired by Ankha Zone, a new trend called That Cat Is Not Dancing started with a YouTube video posted on September 18th, 2021, by YouTuber Memotic.
On August 24th, 2009, the Internet humor site Holy Taco published a post titled '25 SFW Rule 34 Images', which featured several notable demotivational posters of the rule. On February 17th, 2008, an anonymous 4chan user started a thread on the /b/ board titled 'Rule 34 thread', which accumulated over 365 responses prior to being archived. On August 20th, the webcomic Xkcd published at comic titled “Rule 34”, which illustrated a hypothetical sexual scenario involving a woman and a guitar.
In May of 2007, the Rule 34 database was launched on with a searchable archive of Rule 34 images. Rule 35: If no porn is found at the moment, it will be made. Rule 34: There is porn of it, no exceptions. Rule 35 was created as an addendum to the rule, which clarified that if porn on a subject did not currently exist, it would be created. On October 12th, the rule was included in the original 'Rules of the Internet' list submitted to the Internet culture wiki Encyclopedia Dramatica. On March 30th, 2006, the first Urban Dictionary definition for 'Rule 34' was submitted by user Nukeitall, who claimed the adage was commonly used on a variety of message boards.